Truly setting the standard in the world of jewellery, the laboratory is equipped with high-technology equipment which it makes available to all interested private individuals jewellery professionals: traders, brokers, makers, retailers, etc.
Analyses are carried out in line with strict protocols, involving at least three gemmologists, under the scientific leadership of Emmanuel FRITSCH.
Emmanuel Fritsch is a gemmologist and professor of physics at the University of Nantes, known worldwide for his work, in particular on the origin of colour in gems, the application of spectroscopic methods to gemmological problems and the interrelations between the method of formation and the properties of gems.
The LFG’s Institutional Charter is based on the National Appraisal Charter, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The Laboratory is seeking ISO 9001 certification, relating to quality management systems and the RJC certification procedure (The RJC is an international non-profit association, created in 2005. It now has 415 members representing all areas of the entire gold and diamond sector).